
The Pyramids of Bonaire are of SALT (Salt Pier) https://goo.gl/maps/bLqGSQWxPJG2 and for more than 350 years this industry has been a very important economic source for the development of the island, Cargill Salt Bonaire N.V. is a division of Cargill, Incorporated (Cargill). The Company took over the operation of the solar salt works on Bonaire in 1997, and now Cargill Salt Bonaire produces the
mountains of white salt crystals that are sold worldwide. There the photos with the pink waters on the right, behind the salt mountains, in the background our beautiful blue sky and with you in the center of the image, will make this photo the envy of the trip when you show it to your family and friends.

Our first stop to the south of the island are the pink waters, where on a narrow road with only two channels, you can enjoy a unique game of colors, on the left you will enjoy hectares of pink waters and on the right you will have 3 or 4 colors of blue sea, in the most crystalline waters you've ever seen before, on a sunny day. You will remember that color game you will keep it engraved in your heart forever.

Slaves Hauses, built in 1830, relate the final days of slavery on the island of Bonaire (1863), is a place to learn about history in times of slavery, these houses stand erect reminding us that these times must not ever return and they also remind us of the great character of the natives of the island telling us that they are capable of overcoming any adversity. This point is the essence and character of the Bonairean.

Upon reaching the southern tip of the island, we will make a photo stop at the Willemstoren lighthouse, the oldest one in Bonaire, built in 1837 to guide the ships that transported the salt and whose name is due to King Guillermo Alejandro.

The area of ​​the flamingos in the south of the island is impressively beautiful to observe these elegant birds in their natural habitat, moments of silence while enjoying capturing a good image make this point a mandatory visit, groups of 50, 100 or more flamingos at different points of the route are waiting for you, creating mental images of peace in nature that will be difficult to experience again.
Sorobon Beach, one of the most spectacular beaches in the world, its sandbar that covers the entire bay makes this beach the mecca of windsurfing, a spectacular view, crystal clear water, a breeze that
caresses, a radiant sun and windsurfing sails everywhere, produce a colorful and unique Caribbean atmosphere to enjoy with the whole family. In Sorobon Beach you are the only one missing!


In a few minutes from the center of the city, we will go along Queen's Highway, a beautiful road that borders the crystal clear sea that resembles a giant pool for its tranquility, while on the other side we will have coral rocks that tell us the geological history of the island, this road takes
us through innumerable dive sites, until we reach our first stop.

At the beginning of our tour to the north we will first enter the happy atmosphere of the city center with its buildings bathed in multiple colors, a unique street for shopping and full of history that connects us with the idiosyncrasy of the island.

Our first stop in the north of the island is a spectacular bay named 1000 STEP (really does not have a thousand steps, only 67) https://goo.gl/maps/ZcXiPFX3Uis , where we can appreciate the
colors and transparency of the sea, in addition to enjoying the marine fauna to be able to spot parrot fish and in many occasions sea turtles on the seashore. This is a unique place that allows
us to fall in love again with nature.

The viewpoint in gotomer https://goo.gl/maps/rGLeiUCHH8r with its spectacular view, allows us to appreciate almost the entire northern part of Lake GOTO, where we will go down the road from the viewpoint, skirt the lake and we can appreciate the flamingos 4 or 5 meters from the car, this is a unique experience since observing them in their natural habitat is not very common.

The Rincón founded in 1527 by the Spaniards was the first capital of Bonaire, becoming the oldest town in the Dutch Caribbean, today its population is around 2000 inhabitants, here we will make a stop at a very interesting cultural point so that Enjoy in a truly Bonarian atmosphere.
Sorobon Beach, one of the most spectacular beaches in the world, its sandbar that covers the entire bay makes this beach the mecca of windsurfing, a spectacular view, crystal clear water, a breeze that
caresses, a radiant sun and windsurfing sails everywhere, produce a colorful and unique Caribbean atmosphere to enjoy with the whole family. In Sorobon Beach you are the only one missing!